The Green Bay Packers; A Real American Football Team

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Started in 1919 and becoming part of the NFL in 1921, the Packers are a team that has seen it all. Named after the Indian Packing Company, who put up the money in the beginning for Jerseys and a field for practice, they were started by Curly Lambeau and George Calhoun. They won the first two Super Bowls (in 1967 and 1968) and didn't not see any more rings till nearly thirty years later at Super Bowl XXXI in 1997. There current day fans are know as the Cheese heads.

Head Coaches

Earl'Curly' Lambeau 1921-49

Gene Ronzani 1950-53

Lisle Blackbourn 1954-57

Ray Mclean 1958

Vince Lombardi 1959-67

Phil Bengston 1968-70

Dan Devine 1971-74

Bart Starr 1975-83

Forrest Gregg 1984-87

Lindy Infante 1988-91

Mike Holmgren 1992-98

Ray Rhodes 1999

Mike Sherman 2000-current

Much more to come soon......

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