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A wizard

There was a man and he had eight sons

Apart from that, he was nothing more than a comma on the page of history. It's sad but that's all you can say about some people. But the eighth son grew up and married and had eight sons, and because there is only one suitable proffession for the eighth son of an eighth son, he became a wizard, and that's where it would have ended - should have ended - but against the Lore of Magic and certainly against all reason - except the reasons of the heart, which are warm and messy and, well unreasonable - he fell in love.
And he had seven sons, each one from the cradle at least as powerful as any wizard in the world. And then he had an eighth son... A wizard squared. A source of magic.

A sourcerer.

The sourcerer's father though is not going to let him choose his own destiny. And the child Coin, the sourcerer of almost infinite power would have the archancellors hat. But strangely enough the hat doesn't want that. So it gets Conina, the exquisitely beautiful woman who wants to be a hairdresser but is unfortunately has barbarian instincts (ie. the overwhelming desire to pillage) to steal it. But it needs a wizard as well. Unfortunately it finds a wizzard instead.

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