Bagging the Munros : Conquering Scotland's Mountains.

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In 1890 Sir Hugh Munro complied a table of the 283 Scottish mountains over 3000ft in height, which are now affectionally known as Munros. To climb them all is a lifetime's achievement, a passion and a mission, the 4000 or so people who have achieved it sometimes refer to themselves as 'Munroist'. Sadly Sir Hugh Munro himself never became a Munroist, he died before his last peak, the one closed to his house, which he was leaving until last.

To climb them all is to experience some of the most beautiful scenery Scotland and the world has to offer.

There is a certain type of personality that is attracted to the challenge of collected all the summits. Many others would just settle for climbing the most convenient or most attractive. But a dedicated Munro bagger will get up early on a weekend morning, drive past some perfectly lovely mountains solely to reach one they haven't climbed before so it can be ticked off the list. You have to reach the summit for it to count, so even if you have had to climb down within a few meters of the summit you'll need to go back.


All the Munro's are located in in the Scottish Highlands, north of the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. The most Southern can be reached by a 2 hour drive from Edinburgh or Glasgow. With the exception of  a small number of the Isle  on Skye all Munros are on the mainland.  Ben Lomond, which is on the east banks of the famous Loch Lomond can be reached by public transport, and is a one of the easier climbs.  The most challenging is generally reguarded as the Inaccessible Pinnicle of Sgùrr Dearg on the isle of Skye - the acutal summit of the mountain is a rock pinnicle with a 50 meter face, that can only be accessed using rock climbing skills. 

The Lingo

  • A Munro : a mountain over 3000 feet sufficiently separate from other mountains around it.

  • A Munro Top : mountain over 3000 feet but connected to another mountain.

  • A Corbett: one between 2500 and 3000 feet

  • A Graham : a mountain between 2000 and 2500 feet.

Could I climb a Munro?

Well it depends on the Munro. They range from a strenuous walk to a difficult climb requiring ropes and equipment. Some of them have a path clearly marked to the top, but they still deserve your respect. The first thing to remember is not to put yourself in danger if you do that someone will have to put themselves in danger to rescue you. The Munros range from a fairly easy walk to a difficult climb, requiring experience and equipment. If you have walked on smaller mountains in England you may be lulled into a false sense of security.

Unlike Mountains in England and Wales the Munros are usually covered in snow from roughly October until April, or even early May. The picture that illustrates this entry was take in mid-May, the weather conditions were snow-free at sea level, with two feet of snow at the summit of An Stuc.

What are the mountains like?

The highlands are rocky and grassy mountains, with snow in the winter, and a delicate smattering of lochs. There are ridges with shear drops down each side, and hidden lochans, high lochs high in the hills, not to mention deep lochs in the valleys. During the summer they are mostly free of snow, but in the winter they are usually covered. The weather can change from bright sun, to soft rain and gales.

Naturally the mountains were covered in scots pine, up until the tree line, until about 50 years ago the crofters would bring their cattle up onto the lower slops to graze in the summer. They built 'sheilings' little stone houses to live in during those long days. You can still see the ruins of them around the mountains. Now-a-days the lower slopes are often used for sheep farming or growing pine trees for harvest. The higher slopes are the territory of the herds of red deer, the wild cats and the other wild life.

A day on the mountains.

First you must ensure you are fit enough, and know what you are doing. Ideally you should find someone experienced to go out with you the first few times, alternatively you could join a walking club or take a course in hill skills. 

Be prepared..

Check the mountain weather forecast for the area concerned, you may also have to check the deer stalking schedule as well. Make sure you have the appropriate map, and ideally a guidebook if you don't have a guide. You'll need appropriate equipment, broken in boots, a map pouch, a rucksack, hiking pools, not to mention a map and compass. Never forget your common sense..

On the day

Make an early start to make as much of the daylight as you can, and find out where to park. You may have a walk in to start off, then you'll soon hit the long hard slog that is ascent. Many munros start from sea level, so their can be a fair bit of ascent. After a while you will turn around and see how far you have some - and be greeted with a whole new view. One that no one else will have seen.

The real sense of satisfaction comes from the summit - from getting their and having achieved your goal. Be sure to take a photo to bore your friends with later. It's important to remember the safety and be prepared to turn back, the mountain won't go anywhere as long as you live to see another day. Nothing matches the feeling of getting to the submit, and knowing that's another peak off your list. Testing to see if I can edit this.

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