The Caldwell Catalogue
Created | Updated Sep 17, 2020

Moore called his collection the Caldwell Catalogue to differentiate it from the one created by French astronomer Charles Messier. Moore's full name was Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore. Moore restricted himself to 109 entries to be consistent with Messier's list2, and did not include any of Messier's objects in his own catalogue. What makes Moore's catalogue different from Messier's is that Messier listed his by discovery, they're quite haphazard around the Northern Hemisphere sky (he was viewing from France). Moore's catalogue is (mostly3) ordered by declination, with C1 at +85° in the Northern Hemisphere and C109 at −81° in the Southern Hemisphere. His choices span 51 of the 88 internationally recognised constellations.
The Caldwell Catalogue includes star clusters and nebulae in our own galaxy the Milky Way, and other galaxies many millions of light years4 distant. Some of the planetary nebulae5 included in the Caldwell Catalogue are quite spectacular and provide a fitting swansong for a dying star. They are particularly interesting because this will be the fate of our own Sun when it has used up all of its hydrogen, swelled to a red giant and finally explodes to leave a white dwarf surrounded by gas (the planetary nebula). This isn't something we personally should worry about as the Earth will be swallowed up by the expansion of the Sun and that won't happen for a few billion years yet.
All of the following appear in the Caldwell Catalogue:
Caldwell Catalogue Table
Caldwell Catalogue number | Constellation | Other designation | Type | Brightness (mag) | Distance (light years) | Common name or Remarks |
Caldwell 1 | Cepheus | NGC 188 | Open star cluster | +8.1 | 4,800 | less than 5° from North Celestial Pole |
Caldwell 2 | Cepheus | NGC 40 | Planetary nebula | +11.6 | 3,500 | Bow-Tie Nebula |
Caldwell 3 | Draco | NGC 4236 | Galaxy | +9.7 | 11.7m | member of M81 group |
Caldwell 4 | Cepheus | NGC 7023 | Reflection nebula | +6.8 | 1,300 | Iris Nebula |
Caldwell 5 | Camelopardalis | IC 342 | Galaxy | +9.1 | 10m | discovered in 1895 by William Frederick Denning |
Caldwell 6 | Draco | NGC 6543 | Planetary nebula | +8.1 | 3,300 | Cat's Eye Nebula |
Caldwell 7 | Camelopardalis | NGC 2403 | Galaxy | +8.9 | 8m | supernova SN2004dj observed here |
Caldwell 8 | Cassiopeia | NGC 559 | Open cluster | +9.5 | 3,700 | discovered in 1787 by Sir William Herschel |
Caldwell 9 | Cepheus | Sh2-155 | Emission nebula | +7.7 | 2,400 | Cave Nebula |
Caldwell 10 | Cassiopeia | NGC 663 | Open cluster | +7.1 | 6,850 | approx 400 stars |
Caldwell 11 | Cassiopeia | NGC 7635 | Emission nebula | +10 | 7,100 | Bubble Nebula |
Caldwell 12 | Cepheus | NGC 6946 | CW spiral galaxy | +9.7 | 10m | Fireworks Galaxy |
Caldwell 13 | Cassiopeia | NGC 457 | Open cluster | +6.4 | 7,900 | Owl Cluster |
Caldwell 14 | Perseus | NGC 869 and NGC 884 | Two open clusters | +3.8 | 7,500 | double cluster |
Caldwell 15 | Cygnus | NGC 6826 | Planetary nebula | +8.8 | 2,000 | has FLIERs6 |
Caldwell 16 | Lacerta | NGC 7243 | Open cluster | +6.4 | 2,800 | 150-200 stars |
Caldwell 17 | Cassiopeia | NGC 147 | Dwarf spheroidal galaxy | +10 | 2.5m | satellite of M31 (The Andromeda Galaxy) |
Caldwell 18 | Cassiopeia | NGC 185 | Dwarf spheroidal galaxy | +10 | 2m | satellite of M31 |
Caldwell 19 | Cygnus | IC 5146 | Reflection nebula | +7.2 | 3,300 | Cocoon Nebula |
Caldwell 20 | Cygnus | NGC 7000 | Emission nebula | +4 | 1,600 | North American Nebula |
Caldwell 21 | Canes Venatici | NGC 4449 | Irregular galaxy | +9.4 | 12m | cosmic trainwreck |
Caldwell 22 | Andromeda | NGC 7662 | Planetary nebula | +8.6 | 5,600 | Blue Snowball Nebula |
Caldwell 23 | Andromeda | NGC 891 | Spiral galaxy | +10 | 27m | edge-on |
Caldwell 24 | Perseus | NGC 1275 | Seyfert galaxy | +12 | 237m | Perseus A |
Caldwell 25 | Lynx | NGC 2419 | Globular cluster | +9 | 275,000 | The Intergalactic Wanderer |
Caldwell 26 | Canes Venatici | NGC 4244 | Spiral galaxy | +10 | 14m | edge-on |
Caldwell 27 | Cygnus | NGC 6888 | Emission nebula | +7.4 | 5,000 | Crescent Nebula |
Caldwell 28 | Andromeda | NGC 752 | Open cluster | +5.7 | 1,300 | discovered by Giovanni Batista Hodierna pre-1654 |
Caldwell 29 | Canes Venatici | NGC 5005 | Spiral galaxy | +10 | 65m | companion galaxy to spiral galaxy NGC 5033 |
Caldwell 30 | Pegasus | NGC 7331 | Spiral galaxy | +10 | 40m | retrograde galactic bulge |
Caldwell 31 | Auriga | IC 405 | Emission nebula | +6 | 1,500 | Flaming Star Nebula |
Caldwell 32 | Canes Venatici | NGC 4631 | Spiral galaxy | +10 | 30m | Whale Galaxy |
Caldwell 33 | Cygnus | NGC 6992 | Supernova remnant | +7 | 1,470 | Eastern Veil |
Caldwell 34 | Cygnus | NGC 6960 | Supernova remnant | +7 | 1,470 | Western Veil (Witch's Broom) |
Caldwell 35 | Coma Berenices | NGC 4889 | Elliptical galaxy | +13 | 93m | Coma A |
Caldwell 36 | Coma Berenices | NGC 4559 | Spiral galaxy | +10 | 30m | supernova SN1941A observed here |
Caldwell 37 | Vulpecula | NGC 6885 | Open cluster | +6 | 1,950 | about 80 stars |
Caldwell 38 | Coma Berenices | NGC 4565 | Spiral galaxy | +10 | 42m | Needle Galaxy |
Caldwell 39 | Gemini | NGC 2392 | Planetary nebula | +10 | 2,870 | Eskimo Nebula |
Caldwell 40 | Leo | NGC 3626 | Spiral galaxy | +10 | 70m | discovered in 1784 by Sir William Herschel |
Caldwell 41 | Taurus | The Hyades Cluster | Open cluster | +0.5 | 150 | closest open cluster to our Solar System |
Caldwell 42 | Delphinus | NGC 7006 | Globular cluster | +10 | 135,000 | discovered in August 1784 by Sir William Herschel |
Caldwell 43 | Pegasus | NGC 7814 | Spiral galaxy | +11 | 40m | Little Sombrero |
Caldwell 44 | Pegasus | NGC 7479 | Barred spiral galaxy | +11 | 105m | Superman Galaxy |
Caldwell 45 | Boötes | NGC 5248 | Spiral galaxy | +11 | 59m | intermediate7 |
Caldwell 46 | Monoceros | NGC 2261 | Reflection nebula | +9 | 2,500 | Hubble's Variable Nebula |
Caldwell 47 | Delphinus | NGC 6934 | Globular cluster | +8.8 | 52,000 | discovered in 1785 by Sir William Herschel |
Caldwell 48 | Cancer | NGC 2775 | Spiral galaxy | +11 | 52m | supernova 1993Z |
Caldwell 49 | Monoceros | NGC 2237-9 | Bright nebula | +9 | 5,200 | Rosette Nebula |
Caldwell 50 | Monoceros | NGC 2244 | Open cluster | +4.8 | 5,200 | part of the Rosette Nebula |
Caldwell 51 | Cetus | IC 1613 | Irregular dwarf galaxy | +9.9 | 2.4m | approaching the Milky Way |
Caldwell 52 | Virgo | NGC 4697 | Elliptical galaxy | +10 | 45m | discovered in 1784 by Sir William Herschel |
Caldwell 53 | Sextans | NGC 3115 | Lenticular galaxy | +10 | 32m | Spindle Galaxy |
Caldwell 54 | Monoceros | NGC 2506 | Open cluster | +7.6 | 11,300 | discovered in 1791 by Sir William Herschel |
Caldwell 55 | Aquarius | NGC 7009 | Planetary nebula | +8 | 2,000 | Saturn Nebula |
Caldwell 56 | Cetus | NGC 246 | Planetary nebula | +8 | 1,600 | Skull Nebula |
Caldwell 57 | Sagittarius | NGC 6822 | Irregular galaxy | +9.3 | 1.6m | Barnard's Galaxy |
Caldwell 58 | Canis Major | NGC 2360 | Open cluster | +7.2 | 3,700 | Caroline's Cluster |
Caldwell 59 | Hydra | NGC 3242 | Planetary nebula | +8.6 | 1,400 | Ghost of Jupiter |
Caldwell 60 | Corvus | NGC 4038 | Spiral galaxy | +11 | 50m | merging with NGC 4039 |
Caldwell 61 | Corvus | NGC 4039 | Colliding galaxy | +11 | 50m | Antennae Galaxies |
Caldwell 62 | Cetus | NGC 247 | Spiral galaxy | +10 | 11m | intermediate |
Caldwell 63 | Aquarius | NGC 7293 | Planetary nebula | +7.6 | 700 | Helix Nebula |
Caldwell 64 | Canis Major | NGC 2362 | Open cluster | +4.1 | 4,800 | Tau Canis Majoris Cluster |
Caldwell 65 | Sculptor | NGC 253 | Spiral galaxy | +8 | 11.4m | Sculptor Galaxy |
Caldwell 66 | Hydra | NGC 5694 | Globular cluster | +10.2 | 105,000 | possibly the oldest globular cluster in the Milky Way |
Caldwell 67 | Fornax | NGC 1097 | Barred spiral galaxy | +10.2 | 45m | seyfert galaxy |
Caldwell 68 | Corona Australis | NGC 6729 | Reflection/Emission nebula | +9.7 | 424 | R Coronae Australis Nebula |
Caldwell 69 | Scorpius | NGC 6302 | Bipolar planetary nebula | +7 | 4,000 | Butterfly Nebula |
Caldwell 70 | Sculptor | NGC 300 | Spiral galaxy | +9 | 6m | inclined at 42° (from Earth's vantage point) |
Caldwell 71 | Puppis | NGC 2477 | Open cluster | +5.8 | 3,600 | discovered in 1751 by Nicolas Louis de la Caille |
Caldwell 72 | Sculptor | NGC 55 | Irregular galaxy | +7.9 | 6m | one of the closest to the Local Group of galaxies |
Caldwell 73 | Columba | NGC 1851 | Globular Cluster | +7.2 | 40,000 | discovered in May 1826 by James Dunlop |
Caldwell 74 | Vela | NGC 3132 | Planetary nebula | +9.9 | 2,000 | Southern Ring Nebula |
Caldwell 75 | Scorpius | NGC 6124 | Open cluster | +5.8 | 18,600 | +125 stars |
Caldwell 76 | Scorpius | NGC 6231 | Open cluster | +2.6 | 5,900 | Northern Jewel Box Cluster |
Caldwell 77 | Centaurus | NGC 5128 | Peculiar galaxy/post merger | +6.8 | 11m | Centaurus A |
Caldwell 78 | Corona Australis | NGC 6541 | Globular cluster | +6.3 | 22,800 | discovered in March 1826 by Nicolò Cacciatore |
Caldwell 79 | Vela | NGC 3201 | Globular cluster | +8.2 | 16,300 | discovered in May 1826 by James Dunlop |
Caldwell 80 | Centaurus | NGC 5139 | Globular cluster | +3.7 | 16,000 | Omega Centauri8 |
Caldwell 81 | Ara | NGC 6352 | Globular cluster | +8 | 18,000 | discovered in May 1826 by James Dunlop |
Caldwell 82 | Ara | NGC 6193 | Open cluster | +5.2 | 3,765 | associated with emission nebula NGC 6188 |
Caldwell 83 | Centaurus | NGC 4945 | Spiral galaxy | +9.3 | 11.7m | seyfert galaxy |
Caldwell 84 | Centaurus | NGC 5286 | Globular cluster | +7.6 | 36,000 | possibly 12.5 billion years old |
Caldwell 85 | Vela | IC 2391 | Open cluster | +2.5 | 570 | Omicron Velorum Cluster |
Caldwell 86 | Ara | NGC 6397 | Globular cluster | +6.7 | 7,200 | approximately 400,000 stars |
Caldwell 87 | Horologium | NGC 1261 | Globular cluster | +8.3 | 53,500 | over 10 billion years old |
Caldwell 88 | Circinus | NGC 5823 | Open cluster | +7.9 | 3,890 | extends into Lupus |
Caldwell 89 | Norma | NGC 6087 | Open cluster | +5.4 | 3,500 | includes Cepheid variable S Normae |
Caldwell 90 | Carina | NGC 2867 | Planetary nebula | +10 | 7,267 | discovered on 1 April, 1834 by John Herschel |
Caldwell 91 | Carina | NGC 3532 | Open cluster | +7 | 1,320 | Wishing Well Cluster |
Caldwell 92 | Carina | NGC 3372 | Emission nebula | +1 | 7,500 | Great Carina Nebula |
Caldwell 93 | Pavo | NGC 6752 | Globular cluster | +5.4 | 13,000 | over 100,000 stars |
Caldwell 94 | Crux | NGC 4755 | Open cluster | +4.2 | 6,400 | Herschel's Jewel Box aka Kappa Crucis Cluster |
Caldwell 95 | Triangulum Australe | NGC 6025 | Open cluster | +5 | 2,700 | straddles the border with Norma |
Caldwell 96 | Carina | NGC 2516 | Open cluster | +3.8 | 1,300 | Sprinter Cluster |
Caldwell 97 | Centaurus | NGC 3766 | Open cluster | +5.3 | 7,000 | Pearl Cluster |
Caldwell 98 | Crux | NGC 4609 | Open cluster | +7 | 4,000 | curving line of 30 stars discovered by James Dunlop |
Caldwell 99 | Crux | Coalsack Nebula | Dark nebula | None9 | 600 | forms the head of the Emu in the Aboriginal constellation 'Emu in the Sky' |
Caldwell 100 | Centaurus | IC 2944 | Open cluster and emission nebula | +4.5 | 6,500 | Lambda Centauri Nebula aka Running Chicken Nebula |
Caldwell 101 | Pavo | NGC 6744 | Barred spiral galaxy | +9 | 30m | a satellite galaxy (NGC 6744A) is disrupting its outer arm |
Caldwell 102 | Carina | IC 2602 | Open cluster | +1.9 | 479 | Theta Carinae Cluster aka Southern Pleiades |
Caldwell 103 | Dorado | NGC 2070 | Emission nebula | +8 | 160,000 | Tarantula Nebula aka 30 Doradus10 |
Caldwell 104 | Tucana | NGC 362 | Globular cluster | +6.4 | 27,700 | located on the northern edge of satellite galaxy the SMC (Small Magellanic Cloud) |
Caldwell 105 | Musca | NGC 4833 | Globular cluster | +7.3 | 20,000 | radius of 42 light years |
Caldwell 106 | Tucana | NGC 104 | Globular cluster | +5 | 13,700 | 47 Tucanae |
Caldwell 107 | Apus | NGC 6101 | Globular cluster | +9 | 50,000 | contains an unusual amount of RR Lyrae-types11 |
Caldwell 108 | Musca | NGC 4372 | Globular cluster | +7.8 | 20,000 | close12 to the Dark Doodad Nebula |
Caldwell 109 | Chamaeleon | NGC 3195 | Planetary nebula | +11 | 5,500 | most southerly Caldwell object |
Messier Marathon vs Caldwell Chase
There exists among amateur astronomers (and, no doubt, some professional ones) a challenge called the 'Messier Marathon', wherein one chooses a specific location on a particularly clear night to attempt to chalk up each of Messier's 109 'non-comets'. It is possible to do but no doubt quite stressful, as the weather can change quite rapidly and spoil the whole event. It's not possible to attempt a 'Caldwell Chase' to collect all of Moore's astronomy gems in one night unless one owns, or has access to, a private jet. An attempt to bag them all would be much better spread, say, over a few weeks to coincide with a holiday in the opposite hemisphere of the planet to where you usually reside. An idea for the Bucket List then.