h2g2 Caption Challenge: Peering into the Wilderness

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Can you think of a snappy caption for this odd picture? Of course you can. You're a h2g2 Researcher.

Peering into the Wilderness

A post office mural showing Daniel Boone's arrival in the Kentucky wilderness.

Carol M. Highsmith provides this week's caption challenge.

WPA1 mural "Daniel Boone's Arrival in Kentucky," by Ward Lockwood at the U.S. Post Office & U.S. Courthouse, Lexington Kentucky.

What deep, clever, or snarky thoughts does this mural inspire? Make some captions and let off steam!

The Literary Corner Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

13.02.17 Front Page

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1WPA=Works Projects Administration, a Depression-era make-work initiative that employed People Like Us (i.e., creative but not money-making) during hard times. They provided a lot of thoughtful art, Orson Welles theatre projects, and suchlike. Congressmen usually called them all 'commies'.

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