#30: Let the Games Begin!

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This photo comes from the h2g2 Post's collection of submissions to Create's November project. We'll be posting a photo a day for the month of November.

Let the Games Begin!

Running Santas by Deek

The honour of the last photo this month goes to Deek, who captured this amazing sight.

In the US, all good Thanksgiving Day parades end with the arrival of Santa. Obviously, this is an international phenomenon. After the glorious autumn festival that is NaJoPoMo, we move on to consideration of all things December: snow in the northern temperate zone, the rains of Polokwane, lord knows what in Australia…you get the picture. I hope you'll get the pictures – and keep sending them to the Post!

Many thanks to everyone involved in our group NaJo. It's been wonderful looking at all the pictures, which have now become a part of h2g2's permanent record of Life, the Universe, and Everything.

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.

Ansel Adams
Pics from a Small Planet Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni


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