Where Dogs Drool and Cats Rule

2 Conversations

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Video: Where Dogs Drool and Cats Rule

Cat demanding homage from large dog.

The Hoggett cat-and-dog consortium make a splendid rep company. In this episode, they illustrate the relative status of felines and canids around the farm. At least, that's what the cats think. The dogs may be playing this subversively. See what you think.

Notice that the Post Editor has discovered the titles, captions, and end credits. Sasha has created a monster here.

Click here for the video, or watch the embedded version in your Pliny-skin page. Video by Dmitri Gheorgheni, actors courtesy of Hoggetts Cats Unlimited.

Dmitri Gheorgheni Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

09.07.18 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Video subjects must be over 16: no images of children under 16 permitted. All video material must conform to House Rules and be either public domain or the property of the video producer.

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