DG's Condensed Books: Pincher Martin for the Internet

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DG's Condensed Books: Pincher Martin for the Internet

You've heard of condensed books, right? Shortened versions for people in a hurry? Here's my graphic condensed version of William Golding's 1957 masterpiece, Pincher Martin, also titled The Two Deaths of Christopher Martin.

When I first read the book, I thought it was theological. Now I'm told it's existential. I just re-read it to create this edition: I stick to my assessment. The two aren't mutually exclusive, ask Kierkegaard. Anyway, this should hold you until somebody makes a blockbuster movie with Jason Statham in. There is an opera, you know.

Anyone who cares to is welcome to send a condensed book to the Post. Just keep it to 10 panels, not wider than 600 pixels. Around here, we measure our literature by the pixel.

A condensed version of 'Pincher Martin' by William Golding
Dmitri Gheorgheni Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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