The h2g2 Post Recipe

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This week we start to prepare for Christmas. Many butchers shops are already taking orders for Turkeys so that seems a good subject with which to begin this mini-series.

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Buying and Cooking a Turkey

The turkey is thought to have first made an appearance

in England in 1526 when a certain trader, William

Strickland, bought six birds from American Indian traders

whilst in America and sold them for tuppence each in

Bristol. Henry VIII was the first English Monarch to try

it when its popularity as an alternative to the more usual

Royal fayre of beef, venison, red deer, mutton, swan

(alternating with goose or stork), capon, coney, carp,

pheasants, herons, bitterns, shovelards, partridges,

quails, cocks, plovers, gulls, pigeons, larks, pullets,

chickens, lamb, kid and rabbit, not forgetting the boars

head bedecked with rosemary and bay,1 grew because the

turkey was cheap, domesticated and fast to fatten up.

By the 18th Century turkeys were driven to market in

large flocks, on occasion their feet being protected by

little boots. Unlike their wild cousins, the domesticated

turkey cannot fly.

As tastes changed and consumers preferred 'white' meat

to the 'dark' meat of the wings and thighs, the turkey was

bred to produce larger breasts. Most modern 'tom' turkeys

are unable to fertilise the female eggs because of the

size of their chests, so nearly all breeding is by

artificial insemination.

Turkey breeding and rearing in Britain is regulated by

the British Turkey Industry which aims to guarantee

quality, traceability and good bird welfare.

Which Bird?

The range of turkey products has increased dramatically

in the last few years. Where once it was only possible to

buy a whole bird, now, with the advent of freezing, there

are far more choices; minced, turkey chunks, breast steak,

escallops, drumsticks, sausages, stir fry strips, burgers,

bacon rashers and crown roasts. Out of the 10 million

units of turkey sold last Christmas, 87% of people in the

UK chose a traditional roast turkey - two out of every

three whole birds were frozen.


Allow at least 1lb - 0.5kg - per person for a small

bird and 0.75lb - 250grams - per person for a large



  • Fresh from a butcher or poulterer - Order at

    least four weeks in advance to make sure of delivery.

    Remember to specify whether you require the giblets.

  • Free range from a farm2 - Again, early ordering is essential. You

    may be asked to pick the bird up quite a few days before

    you need it. Place it in a cool place or the refrigerator

    if possible.

  • Fresh or standard fresh3 -

    These are often available in supermarkets a few days

    before Christmas. Numbers are usually limited so shop


  • Ready-basted or Butterball - Vegetable oil,

    butter or stock is injected under the skin to keep the

    meat moist during cooking. Some supermarkets include herbs

    and other ingredients.


Available throughout the year in supermarkets and other

outlets. Allow plenty of time for defrosting.

  • Standard frozen - These are quickly frozen in

    the bag by immersion in salt water at a temperature of


  • Ready basted - Prepared the same as the fresh

    basted bird. These are usually frozen in fresh water.

  • Free-range - Frozen quickly without water.

  • Standard brine frozen - Chilled in water spin

    chillers, and then quickly frozen by immersion in salt


  • Air frozen - Quickly frozen without water.

Alternatives to the whole bird

  • Turkey crown - A whole bird with the legs


  • Saddle of turkey - Usually weighing from 6.5lb -

    3kg - to 12.75lb - 6 kg, this cut comprises of two breasts

    of fillet meat, boned with wings inserted.

  • Butterfly breast - Two breasts of fillet meat

    weighing from 4.5lb - 2kg - to 10.75lb - 5 kg

  • Breast roll - Skinless meat weighing around 2lb

    - 900g - and wrapped with netting.

  • Boned and rolled white and dark meat - As


Cooking the Turkey

If using a frozen bird make sure that it is completely

defrosted by following the guidelines given on the

packaging. A small bird of around 5lb - 2.25kg - will take

at least 20 hours, a larger bird of 25lb - 11.25kg - two

whole days! Very small birds up to 5lb - 2.25kg - may be

defrosted in a microwave. This option is not recommended

for larger ones.

Contrary to older recipes, it is not now thought safe

to put stuffing in the body of a turkey, only the neck,

but the cavity may be filled with sliced onion, lemon,

orange or fresh herbs to taste. Stuffing can be prepared

weeks in advance and frozen or made the day before. It

should be allowed to cool completely before use. Sadly the

older tradition of cooking the turkey overnight so that

the smells greet you on Christmas morning is also

considered dangerous.

As a general guide, allow 18 minutes per pound -

450grams. Weigh the turkey after stuffing to

calculate the cooking time. Fan-assisted ovens cook at a

higher temperature so remember to take this into


  1. Cover loosely with foil and cook in a conventional oven

    at Gas Mark 5 - 190C - 375F.

  2. Remove the foil for the last 40 minutes to allow the

    skin to brown.

  3. To test that the bird is completely cooked insert a

    clean skewer into the thickest part of the thigh. If,

    after leaving for one minute, the juices run clear the

    turkey is cooked - if still pink leave a little


  4. Allow the bird to stand for at least 20 minutes as

    this makes it easier to carve.


There are plenty of ready-to-use stuffings of all

flavours and textures on the market. Usually made with

boiling water, the addition of a beaten egg (before the

water) will produce a lighter mixture. Try mixing two or

more bread-based packet stuffings together and adding a

little finely chopped onion.

Chestnut Stuffing

  • 2lb - 1kg - sweet chestnuts
  • 1oz - 25 grams - butter or margarine
  • 0.5 pint - 10fl oz - stock or milk
  • 0.5tspn sugar
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Cut the tops off the chestnuts and roast in a fairly

    hot oven - Gas Mark 6 - 200C - 400F. Remove the outer and

    inner skins and put the chestnuts to simmer in a pan with

    the stock until they are tender.

    Drain, allow to cool and rub through a sieve or


  2. Beat in the fat, salt and sugar and place in a cool

    place until required.

  3. For a richer flavour a little beer or brandy may be

    used in place of some of the stock.

Sage and Onion Stuffing

  • 1lb - 0.5kg - onions
  • 4oz - 100 grams - breadcrumbs
  • 1 tsp powdered or finely chopped fresh sage
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Peel and cut the onions into quarters, drop into

    boiling, salted water and boil gently for 15 minutes.

  2. Drain them well, chop them and mix with all the other


  3. For variation try adding a little fresh, chopped

    parsley or cook thinly pared lemon peel with the onions

    and chop and mix into the finished stuffing.

Other Ideas and Accompaniments

If you would rather stuff the neck of your turkey with

sausagemeat then cook the stuffing for 20 minutes in a

small baking tray towards the end of the cooking time.

Either grease the pan, smooth in the mixture and dab a few

pieces of butter or margarine over the top or form into

balls. If you like a crunchy stuffing then cook uncovered,

if you prefer a softer result cover with cooking foil.

Try putting beef chipolata (small, thin sausages)

around the edge of the tray with the turkey an hour before

cooking time is due to end. They will absorb the


No turkey dinner is complete without cranberry sauce.

Again there is a wide choice of ready-to-use ones on the

market, but it is delicious and easy to make at home.

Finally; a rich gravy. There are many brands of gravy

browning and many flavours, but one made from the juices

of the cooked bird is by far the best.

Cranberry Sauce

  • 1pt - 20 fl oz - fresh or defrosted frozen

  • 4oz - 100 grams - sugar
  • 0.25pt - 5 fl oz - cold water
  • Rind of 1 lemon, thinly pared
  • Rind of 0.5 orange, thinly pared
  • A little brandy, port or fruit liqueur (optional)
  1. Boil the water, rind and sugar over a low heat until

    the sugar has dissolved.

  2. Add the cranberries, cover and boil gently for about

    10 minutes - the berries should all pop and break open.

    Remove any which don't.

  3. If a smooth sauce is required, push through a sieve or


  4. If adding alcohol, reduce the amount of water used

    slightly and add the spirit after completing the



After removing the turkey from the baking tin, pour off

the clear fat which has formed, leaving just the brown

sediment. Sprinkle on a little salt and pepper and add 1oz

- 25 grams - of plain flour, stirring all the time over a

low heat. Make 0.5 pint - 10fl oz - of stock, use chicken

or vegetable flavour if possible, add to the tin and stir

constantly until the gravy boils. Strain into a warmed

gravy boat. If you want a more substantial gravy, fry some

finely chopped onions or shallots in the original juices

before straining off the fat. Cook them until soft but not



The Recipe Archive

05.12.02 Front Page

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1All items on

a menu served to Henry VIII.
2This term may

only been used where the birds have had, during at least

half their lifetime, continuous daytime access to open air

3The turkeys are

chilled quickly with blasts of cold air.

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