The Basics on Personal AM/FM Radios

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The Basics on Personal AM/FM Radios

A personal AM/FM radio can be the perfect accessory to take along on a walk or jog or when you’re exercising at home or in the gym. Most of these lightweight, portable radios are weatherproof, which means you never have to worry about ruining your radio if caught in a storm or being splashed by a car driving through a puddle.


Nearly all of these radios use just one or two “AA” batteries, which will provide anywhere from 20 to 40 hours of listening while at the same time being inexpensive to use. The radios usually come with a set of stereo headphones as well as a belt clip, to provide “hands off” listening. Often, the radio tuner, volume control, and AM/FM switch are located on the headphones, to provide better accessibility when jogging or exercising by not forcing you to access the base unit.

A radio


Features to look for in a personal AM/FM radio include a local/distant “DX” switch, which provides optimal reception of both near and distant stations, and digital synthesized tuning, which locks in the most powerful signal for accurate, drift-free reception. Station preset buttons, which enable you to switch to your favorite stations with the push of a button are also a must for quick, easy access to the programs that you enjoy the most.

The Best Possible Fit

Many personal AM/FM radios also offer an adjustable headband, to insure that the headphones have the best possible fit, as well as a flexible antenna, which provides safety and increases the life of the radio by ensuring that the antenna remains defect-free. As an alternative to the flexible antenna, some radios provide a built-in ferrite bar for AM reception and use the headphone cords for FM reception.

Maximum Functionality

A good personal AM/FM radio should be lightweight (less than two ounces without batteries) and easy to use, offer at least five station presets, and should provide at least 20 hours of power on one or two “AA” batteries. For maximum functionality, it should also boast a belt clip for the base unit, comfortable earphones, a flexible or built-in antenna, and be weatherproof.

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