Imbolc poem by Matholwch the Trout

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Hi Tonsil .

Thanks for the invite but being a curmudgeonly old trout, and pagan to boot, I don't celebrate Saint Valentine's day .

It is close, however, to the festival of Imbolc (February 2nd). This is the sacred time of the goddess Brigidh and the celebration of the first signs of spring. Now for this I have written a poem and here it is. Feel free to copy it over if you wish...


In the wind I hear her, her voice in the crows,

Her movement in the susurration of grasses in the breeze.

She comes to me on night borne wings of dark silk,

Her love spreading across the sky and parting the clouds.

In fire I see her, dancing in the candle’s flame,

Her hot breath down my spine,

The coals of her desire ignite my spirit,

Her fiery stare searing my pride.

The waterfall of her mind looses my thoughts,

And carries me through dreams of ancient bards,

Scattering the reeds of her azure intent,

And dashing after the dancing salmon of her laughter.

I return to the embrace of the earth,

The comfort of her cool touch calms me,

And I lie back beneath her trees,

Knowing that, like her, I am the stuff of stars.


Matholwch the Trout /|\.

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