The h2g2 Poem

2 Conversations

Don't Look Now!!

Look!!! Look!!! Over there...

No don't turn; it'll see you if you stare

Just pretend to glance at something to your right

See if you can spy it within your sight

Oh no, it's seems to be looking this way

I think it's seen us, should we flee or should we stay

If we ignore it maybe it will go elsewhere

That's right; be brave, look firm, don't show your fear

Oh noooo... it's heading this way

Its sights are firmly set... lets move without delay

Look out... don't run, it'll chase us down

Walk slowly, look happy, and don't contemplate the brown

The gooey, icky, disgustingly wicked looking pair

That will reach out for you, its burden just ripe to share

Oh nooooooo, it's upon us, try not to look down

Ignore it if possible; just pretend it's not around

Don't panic we're corned, nowhere to go

Just me and you and them, we're trapped oh woe, oh woe, oh woe

Yikes it's reaching out; it's going to touch me, my beautiful clean clothes

Someone must own it, this grubby child with chocolaty fingers and a snotty nose!!!

smiley - monstersmiley - monstersmiley - chocsmiley - monstersmiley - monster

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