The h2g2 Poem

2 Conversations

Send in the Clowns

If we could choose, we should put the clowns in charge of the circus.

smiley - clownsmiley - jestersmiley - clown

They're like the rest of us: tripping over their big feet,

dressed in unfashionable clothes, perpetual victims of bad hair days,

always just one step away from chaos and calamity.

smiley - clownsmiley - jestersmiley - clown

You know where you stand with a clown. His sad eyes

and painted-on smile tell you life is as dicey as you think it is.

We're all punchlines to a great cosmic joke:

Toot your horn and get on with it.

smiley - clownsmiley - jestersmiley - clown

A clown does not ponder imponderables.

The ineffable remains un-effed. He makes no speeches,

rouses no rabbles nor treads on the downtrodden.

He won't corrupt your children, or make off with your wife.

smiley - clownsmiley - jestersmiley - clown

While he's in charge, the lions stay locked in their cages,

nobody falls from the trapeze, nobody leaps through fire.

He debates his politics with squirting flowers

and fights his wars with custard pies in the face.

smiley - clownsmiley - jestersmiley - clown

No one erects a statue in his honor.

No one dedicates the Tomb of the Unknown Clown.

smiley - clownsmiley - jestersmiley - clown

When he's finished for the night,

we can all go home and sleep safely our beds.

smiley - clownsmiley - jestersmiley - clownsmiley - clownsmiley - jestersmiley - clown

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