Il Cavaliere, Italian Restaurant in Luxembourg

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Hi there,
this small talk is going to be about my favourite italian restaurant...and in my opinion one of the best in Luxembourg, Europe.

Why the best?
- their pizza is the best I have eaten for years
- their pasta is fabulous
- the service is outstandingly friendly and fast
- a very nice, mediterranean style look and feel

What you don't find:
- fancy interiors
- no linen table-cloths
- no extra-expensive wine

My suggestions:
If you are really hungry: Pizza Calzone, stuffed to the limit with every bit you like so much and real fresh and tasty mushrooms.
The Rossini Pizza is a bit more fancy and of absolute fine taste.
Be sure to use their "olio picante" on your pizza.

Ever had Penne arrabiata true to their name? Check out these!
Ravioli al Salmone are not only stuffed with salmon, but as an extra you get some slices of fresh salmon on top of it!

If you are living around Luxembourg, do your belly a favor and try out this restaurant in Luxembourg-City, Neudorf.

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