The Ohio State University

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Location:Columbus, Ohio
Mascot:Brutus Buckeye
Students:Roughly 55,000 at main and branch campuses (split pretty close to 50/50 male/female), 48,000 at main campus
Acreage:13,480 (1,705 main campus)
Buildings:816 (409 at main campus)

Interesting Info

Until late in the 1990s OSU was the largest university in the U.S.A. in both enrollment and area.

The Oval is the heart of campus and is surrounded by the oldest most stately buildings on campus.

Many greats in athletics came out of OSU (football coaching legend Woody Hayes, the only two-time Heisman trophy winner Archie Griffen, too many current NFL stars to name, basketball player John Havlicek, track star Jesse Owens, and golfer Jack Nicklaus, and the list goes on).

In June 2000 OSU granted its 500,000th degree.

Home of the largest all-brass marching band in the world

Tips from a graduate

If you get a chance to go to a football game, make sure you arrive early before the game to take in the legendary tailgating that takes place - especially if this game is one of the 'big' ones (Penn State, Wisconsin, Michigan State, and especiallyMichigan)

Visit The Oval if you get a chance. This is typically where students relax, socialize, excercise, and maybe even study.

Bring your walking shoes, OSU's campus is mainly a pedestrian campus except for the university vehicles and the few faculty that get to park very near their buildings.

You thought you saw a lot of construction coming to campus? Wait 'till you get here!

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