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Some information to help you live in it 

1.                       Area:Infinite

As far as anyone can make out.

2.                       Population: None

It is known that there are an Infinite number of worlds, but not all of them are inhabited. Therefore there must be a finite number of inhabited words. Any number finite number divided by infinity, is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so if every planet in the universe appears to have a population of zero, the population of the universe must also be zero. So anything you ever come across or meet is are merely products of a deranged imagination.

3.                       Monetary units: None

Actually there are three freely convertible currencies in the galaxy, but the altairian dollar has recently collapsed, the flainian pobbel bead’s is only exchangeable for other flainian pobbel bead’s and the Triaginic Pu dosnt really count as money. Its exchange rate of 8 ningis to 1 Pu is simple, but since one ningi is triaguler rubber coin 6800 miles long each side, no one has ever collected enough to own one Pu. Ningi’s are not negotiable currency, because galactic banks refuse to deal with small change. From this small premise is very simple to prove that the glactic banks are also products of a deranged imagination  

4.                       Sex: None

Well, infect there is a awful lot of this, largely because of the total lack of money, trade banks or anything elce that might keep all the non existent people of the universe occupied. However is not worth embarking on a long discussion about it now, because it really is, terribly complicated.

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