Welcome to the First World of Kiteman

Kiteman has left the building! The BBC have killed off the interesting, relevant boards. It is a sad thing to see "meeja studies" morons reduce a once-mighty broadcaster to tabloid status in the name of progress. RIP BBC Science.

But, now we're over on the new server. Let's see, how things go, eh?

If you need to contact me, don't bother leaving a message here, I might not see it for months. Instead, you will find me over at my part of Instructables, posting on my blog or Twittering.

If you're wanting to discuss anything vaguely related to religion, ethics etc, the regulars of the CMB have moved to NGL Returns.

Free to join, open 24/7, very little moderation.


It seems there has been a policy-change as part of the change-over from the BBC, so I am no longer able to link to my non-profit online stores, but, if you are looking for cool Maker projects, then please visit me at Instructables, where you will learn how to make them yourself, for FREE.


Faith, noun; Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.

Faith is believing what you know ain't so - Mark Twain

Science, noun; Set of processes that explain the universe and its contents through hypotheses and theories based on observable evidence.

I am in the universe, a part of the universe. I was not created, I am the most recent product of several billion years' worth of random mutation selected by environmental and sexual pressures, plus a healthy dose of accidents.

I am a unique individual, with my own mind, knowledge, skills, dreams. I am a husband, father, son and friend. I teach others and learn from others.

No god had a part in my genesis. I have no religious faith, although I respect those that do. I take responsibility for my own actions, and bear the guilt for any wrong-doings without feeling the need to confess them to a higher being. When I die, all that will remain of me will be the memories held by those that knew me. I will go to neither heaven nor hell, nor will I be resurrected. When I am gone, I am gone.

To quote the famous philosophers; "Cogito ergo sum" and "I yam what I yam!".

Those who can make you belive absurdities can make you commit atrocities - Voltaire.

smiley - scientist


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Researcher U1056601

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University Researcher


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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