My world

You can now find me at my new home - Shirps.
Well hello, so you took the time to look me up - thankee!

I'm ..... a lady should never give her age away, but I'm not a youngster, nor ready to retire from life, so I'll leave you guessing smiley - winkeye I was wed at 19, had a beautiful daughter when I was 22, and divorced when I reached 25 - hey, that's a good beginning to anyone's life! Now I have a wonderful partner with me and my daughter's just finishing uni.** I used to live in Mill Hill, London, but moved to Northamptonshire, near border with Bedfordshire. We have our own "baby" called Holly: smiley - dog

**STOP PRESS: She got a FIRST in molecular cell biology - whoopee!!! - well that was way back in the year 2000! Nows she's doing some sort of research Phd project - don't ask me smiley - winkeye

I've been diabetic since I was 11 and contracted, what is commonly known as RSI when I had a fantastic job at the age of 32 and am now developing arthritis! OK, that's enough about the timeline and wretched health smiley - blue

As I don't work anymore, I fill my time being a sec. to the local art society and, of course, talking on H2 !!! I drink, at present I still smoke (enough said about that**) - I'm not an alcoholic though.

** STOP PRESS - I'm trying, no .... I am giving up the day after tomorrow, I guess that means 1st April 2001 smiley - biggrin

Surprising enough as I used to belong to the English Civil War Society and have been a "camp follower" to many battles!! I wanted to be a musketeer, but never quite got around to it - I did try drumming, but I think they preferred it when I stopped! My daughter worked for a short while on the cannons.

I love history, but don't quiz me too much, my memory has never been that good. I'm interested in religions, although I don't belong to any particular one as I can't bring myself to believe in man-made religion, but can understand why others do. I thoroughly enjoy sci-fi, but am no expert. I think I can fairly say my mind is still open and I can find interest in most subjects, even aircraft!!!

Oh yes, most important here in case I get involved in heavy discussions, I tend to see both sides and can't come down completely on one side. I'll explain this: I'm a Pisces
smiley - fish
smiley - hsif
(these should be going up and down, not sideways - but I can't figure out how to do that on here!!)

Can't think of anything else at present to write - hope I'm not too boring smiley - smiley

Ooh, one last thing: I adore dragons and fantasy! So where are the pics of a dragon - hm? Ah ha - found it:
A pink and gold dragon on an inkpot


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