The Brain of never_blink (10864290) - Its Life, Its Universe and Everything!

Reasercher 10864290 A.K.A never_blink

Current Residence: Yate

Status: [Calculating]

Lets start with Life. My brain doesn't really have a life but I do, my brain just happens to controll what i do with my life, which isn't much. This consists of reading, drawing, researching, listning to music, shopping, eating, drinking, living, film making, scriptwriting, playing the occasional instrument, wasting my time on the internet and computer games. As well as all that, if you ever happen to speak to me be it via the internet or other, I have happened to aquire some matressy habits, voon.

My Universe. Well, we all live in the same universe as far as i'm aware (apart from any pan-dimensional beings). Well, anyway, my univerese lives in my mind, which is seperate from my brain. last time I heard my brain was in orbit with Pluto, but never mind that for now. The universe in my mind generally distracts me from the real world, being that it is more interesting to a certain extent.Firstly, it isn't like a foriegn country and secondly, it is cheaper there, having no currency. Also I can do what ever I, such as fly, an art form that i have not been able to achieve in reality.

And now for Everything! ... oh ... I think that was everything ... well, everything that isn't to do with likes, dislikes and what I ate last time I was at an Italian restaurant. That can be found below.

What I Like
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, my towel, music, my umbrella, making costumes, drawing.
Favorite HHG2G Character
Ford Prefect
Favorite Species
Favorite Word
What I last ate at an Italian Restaurant
Rigatoni Alforno


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Researcher U10864290


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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