In large, friendly letters

I have read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe more times than I have read any of my own stuff, and coming from a self-rigtheous and indulged journalist that does say quite a lot. I'm what you would say "a huge fan" of Douglas Adams, and I think the Dirk Gently-books are gravely underrated.<BR/>Anyway, this is probably the best thing to have ever come out of the Internet, and I am more than happy to contribute whatever I may contribute in here. And I am looking forward to see the madness as it occurs, as I am longing to get enlightened by the vast knowledge undoubtly shared by the lot of you. Feel free to 'drop in' at any time, as will I most definitely. So long and etc etc.<BR/><BR/><i>They will make the living dead. They'll make the walking lame and the seeing blind. And the blind will panic and kill, panic and kill (...) The mass of men will always see and live in the grey world. But a few will follow and we'll change the world!</i><b><center><i>Luke


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Svlad Cjelli

Researcher U125038


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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