The wonderfull world of Pete

Hello anyone

If you have not met me person then you can use this information to build up a mental picture of me. Like brail with but with words, hang on that’s the opposite of brail, oh anyway.

My names Pete I live in the wonderful Woking which the guide describes as mostly uninteresting. But it has its good points there’s……………..

Well I will come back to that.

I work for a sports car company selling spare parts to rich people who crash there cars into poor people or trees. which is not the worst job in the world (i used to work at a theme park selling doughnuts!)

I can’t really think of anything else at the mo as I am at work and might get busted so I will update this when I get the chance. But from this teaser trailer I can tell you’re interested. Trust me it’s going to be the phantom menace all over again when you get the finished product.



The SAS badge with a camouflaged soldier in the backgroundThe A Team van

PS: i am messing around with Guide ML this will explain the random pictures and irratic use of paprgraphs. its just while i try and get my head around the code.

if you want to email or MSN me. stick [email protected] in your contacts


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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