
A bit chubby, with a short beard I've been wearing fot the last forty years. A dangerous thing for one to have on at University: Police thought you were a revolutionary, political groups that you were a subversive. But I could run fast then. I had decided, in my youug years, that - 1) I did not like my face; 2) that I was too lazy to shave every day. A beard was thus the only solution.

My college studies were erratic: started with physics, switched over to biology and ended up with political sciences.

My family background is a fruit salad: Italian father, mother born in Tblisi from a Turkish-Armenian lady and a German father who had acquired Persian nationality.


In the past, sharp shooting with a 22mm gun. It might seem odd to say, but I found this relaxing. There was so much concentration on the virtual line starting from the gun and ending at the centre of the target that I could hardly notice the blasts from the guns a couple of yards away from me on both sides. It all ended when my car was stolen with the ID card of the shooting range and a pair of powerful binoculars bought at Heathrow's Duty Free. No, the gun was not stolen, I've never owned a gun. I rented one from the shooting range (apart from the fact that it's dangerous toy, I was too lazy to clean it after each and every session).

At present, bonsai and writing.

Vittorio Arnold

Researcher U14193569

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