Truffy welcomes you, traveller

This is Me

Almost anything about me of interest (and a great many boring things) can be found at my other homepage. However, to spare the weary traveller from moving on so soon, I'll briefly summarise here.

It all began about 36 years ago, in a land far, far away. Folkestone1 to be precise. Admittedly that's here in England (from where I'm sitting, or "there in England" if you're viewing this page from far-flung shores), but it's almost France. And the further away that is the better! smiley - tongueout

Which brings us to the present day (the bit inbetween can be broadly divided into too boring to post here and too interesting to post here! smiley - winkeye)...

Growing Older

The most depressing day of my (up until that time) was my 20th birthday. I was convinced that my days as a fun-loving, go-getting teenager were over, and that suddenly I'd become a boring old fart smiley - sadface. How wrong I was2. Or, at least, if I have become a boring old fart then it's something I'm quite comfortable with.

One of the joys of growing older is that you don't have to worry any more about dressing fashionably or liking the 'right' music, or having to know who's who and what's what. If you don't want to give a damn you don't have to, because you no longer have to care about what your peers think and say. smiley - smiley

It's very liberating, and highly recommended. [Not that you have much option really3.]


Colours: peach, electric blue. Mmmm nice

Films: Die Hard, The Shadow, Casablanca4, The Rock, L.A. Confidential, The Maltese name but a few

Music: jazz (but not the 'difficult' stuff) and others too disparate for me to be bothered listing.

I highly rate Tuscany, Italian food, rabbits, weekends, cycling, summer evenings and champagne, BBQs, Japanese food, good friends, lager, dry white wine, Nicholas Cage films

I'm not very keen on soccer, greyhounds in my house, slugs5, Meryl Streep, Chinese food, opera

I have a passionate dislike of selfish drivers, cricket, cats6, pathetic white kids who try to get street cred by talking 'black'7, football hooligans8

1Fishing port on the South Kent coast2Not about no longer being a teenager of course. I was right about that bit.3OK, for the pedants among you, yes there is death. But I prefer to think of this as being not much of an option. After all, did not The Who say "...hope I die before I get old...", only to find that it's perhaps not such a bright idea in the cold light of day?4Apparently this is a cliché, but do you see me caring?5When whoever it was wrote "All things bright and beautiful", do you think that they were thinking of slugs too?6Vile, anti-social creatures that crap in other peoples' gardens.7"Diss", "wicked" etc.8These people give good soccer fans, of which I'm not one (fan that is), a bad name, and embarrass their country. When I see England 'fans' rioting I just want to hang my head. It is to our nation's shame that we don't do something about them.


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Truffy (dazed and confused)

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