Who Am I Again?

Who are you? I am the writer of Lost Transmissions - invited here by the editorial staff after much merriment was had over at http://guideentries.blogspot.com" >http://guideentries.blogspot.com and http://stuckherefornow.blogspot.com" >http://stuckherefornow.blogspot.com. A big thank you to Dmitri G, Janna O, Bel, Robbie Stamp and Dr. Z for all their help and encouragement getting me here.

Regurgitating old material, I hear you cry? Not a bit of it. I will be writing new articles especially for the Guide - at least until they take the nano-clamp off my pineal gland.

So what do you write about then? Well, anything really. Mostly something will get my attention in the news and I will start laughing for reasons best left for myself and the readers of this site to understand. All my articles are strictly in the H2G2 "universe" with the same sense of the absurd.

I also contribute to Dmitri's corner of the H2verse on the The New h2g2 Science Fiction Writing Workshop at http://wsogmm.h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/brunel/A87717720" >http://wsogmm.h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/brunel/A87717720 />
So, no day job then? Actually, yes.

So, what else do you do? Well, I design puzzle boxes, write "straight" fiction – lots of short stories and a few aborted novels so far. I do a bit of cartooning when the idea is short and punchy enough and I can find a pen that hasn’t dried out. I have also been known to drink beer.

If there was a meet, which city would be a good place to get you to come to? London (Portsmouth, Oxford, Winchester, Southampton and apparently Manchester) - although I don't live there.

Is this intro going to drag on? No.


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Emma, Lady Hamilton: The Highs and Lows in So - Sep 12, 2013

Transmitter aka Tim Stevenson

Researcher U14434470

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