Jaguar XJ13 - Building the Legend

Neville is a long-standing Classic Jaguar enthusiast and racer. Having acquired an original quad-cam prototype V12 engine he now finds himself in the position where he can fulfil a long-held ambition of building and hopefully racing an authentic "toolroom-copy" of the Jaguar XJ13 prototype Le Mans racer - true to Malcolm Sayer's original 1966 vision.

In the 1990's he was inspired to race Jaguars after reading the autobiography of Duncan Hamilton and his exploits leading up to, during and after the Le Mans of 1953 where he drove the Jaguar Works C-Type to victory with his co-driver Tony Rolt - a tale from "...the days when drivers were fat and tyres were skinny" ...

Since then he has owned and raced a succession of classic Jaguars - both in South Africa and England. He is now able to indulge his long-held ambition of building and racing a copy of the stillborn Jaguar XJ13 - a car built for Le Mans but which never actually raced. His aim is to end up with a car that, although road-legal, will be first and foremost a racecar that exactly replicates the 1966 original.

You are invited to join Neville in this Blog - your contributions, support and interest will be welcomed.

The journey begins!


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