
"i will turn your {font} face to alabaster - then you'll find your servant is your master"

(from 'Wrapped Around Your Finger' ...with apologies to Sting)

latest news:   (Apr. 2012)

i'm currently a student at HooToo College, learning how to be a Keeper

my chosen subject is 'Keeper of Square Pegs, Round Holes and the spreadsheet to book them out'

if you ever feel like a square peg in a round hole, then...     hopefully, one day, you'll be able to borrow one here   smiley - biggrin

i'm not sure how long it takes to graduate - so, until then, if the need arises, you'll just have to study patience, like me!

Magrathea dept. (things under construction)   ...nearly Fjord-Perfect !
A little slice of HooToo - shamelessly modified from Eccentrica Gallumbits' Greatest Hits

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ smiley - planet..smiley - rocket ahoy !.. greetings a-l-s ! smiley - ufo.that's just typical, isn't it?   sometimes you wait all day for a spaceship, and then....                                                 smiley - bus       smiley - bus       smiley - bus                             smiley - busare we there yet?

view from the bridge

go around

all good things must come to an end
for without an end
we would not know when to begin

but all good things must go in a circle
for without a circle
we could not make ends meet

about me


i'm not sure toohoom i should address this, so...

a big hello to:-

a) ;
b) all other sentient beings of the known Pluriverse;
c) any residents of what remains of Dorking.


if i've contacted you, then it's highly probable that the Infinite Improbability Drive directed me to one of your Guide Entries and i was either very amused, educated, flamboozled, or all four - and then rather cheekily wanted to meet the being responsible and shake their hand / tentacle / sink-plunger**

thank you all for your kind invitation to register an interest in things h2g2


i still savour that electric moment, decades ago, when i donned my headphones at some unearthly hour and listened to some really cool Pan-Galactic music and the voice of Peter Jones introducing us to the very first radio installment of the Guide

"Life", as an old android acquaintance used to say, "has been all downhill from there!"


from time to time i indulge in electronics, making music, programming in obscure computer languages, dabbling with 'scientific' experiments, reading, walking, watching fillums, .... zzzzzzzzz


my quest now, for my remaining solar circumnavigations, is to do battle with the 2LoT (a supposed constraint of the physical order of things)

ok, nuff bout me, whataboutya?


** if a Dalek


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AlwaysLunchtimeSomewhere - "at ALS's restaurant" (thanks DG!)

Researcher U14995977


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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