Bet Heraclitus never had this problem...

Hi, I'm a philosophy graduate presently pursuing a glittering career in temporary office work. I hope to move on to something better sooner or later, but if it doesn't work out, hey, at least I can be philosophical about it. I never wanted a career anyway - got better things to do with my limited time on earth. Like hanging around here on h2g2 discussing multi-striped toothpaste and Bob Dylan's greatest hits. So it goes...


You are what you buy. I consume therefore I exist. Or something like that. Maybe I don't exist. But I keep on consuming whichever way. Can't seem to stop. I love listening to people, by the way. Speak to me, I enjoy it. Pour out your existential worries, think of me as a repository for all your deep-rooted philosophical difficulties. I probably won't get back to you. The space is here, though, for anybody who can't afford a psychiatrist but needs one...

Cyberspaces, Going Places

Hey, that rhymes. A short second paragraph no less nonsensical than the first, if a little less long. But we seem to be going somewhere...

A Heady Brace of Nonsequiturs

Ok, that'll do for now. I'm new here, after all. Should nonsequiturs have a hyphen? Ever wondered if you might be someone else's alter-ego? That doesn't seem to mean anything. But all will become clear, one day...


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Alpine Fresh

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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