About My Ambiguous Self

Hello. I'm Zachary Kok from the insignificant town of Seremban, 50 km south of Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia. I would proudly proclaim that I'm 15 and a half now and sixteen this year. But, I'm in a class full of 17 year olds, so I have treat myself as a 17 year old like all the rest of them because I skipped an entire form some time ago. My favourite word is "ambiguous" as you can see in the title because the meaning of the word is vague. (If you notice, the last five words is ambiguous too because it has a double meaning)Born at the end of the year, I'm always months younger than those of my age, but who cares. I'm really sarcastic when I'm irritated or really happy, but it always sarcasm with humour. I liked the book "Hitchiker's Guide To the Galaxy" and that is what brought me here. I also happen to like English in general, etymology and linguistics to be precise and that irritates my friends because I can explain the origin of words they use. I have hamster named Creamy, because of its colour and I love it a lot. I also excel in maths and science(not generally) and my favourite part is astronomy (also one of the reasons why I read the book)and can happily explain general astronomy interested enough to listen My E-mail is [email protected] and please send stuff because it's rather empty, and an empty mailbox is not a happy mailbox.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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