engineer'd by designers - The submersible_toaster

Either way you look at it, designed by engineers or engineered by designers - the submersible toaster goes a long way to allegorically explaining the backward, stunted and generally topsy-turvy ways in which "civilization" seems to be pro/re - gressing on Earth these days.

The submersible_toaster project is primarily concerned with what I like to call "The Art of Making Machines...make music". The eventual goal is to use a combination of fractal algorithms (although the LIFE sequence is looking good) to create a matrix that can then be interpreted as a sequence pattern (the trakker's amongst you have probably already seen my vision). The next step would be to train up an AI (neural net or expert - I'm not yet sure) to make decisions as to which patterns to play in what order. The desired result would allow for a MIDI output of musical sequence ~ leaving the user to tweak knobs and buttons. But we're a LOOOoonG way off yet.

P'haps a conversation should be initiated on "Making machines make music" - I think it can wait til I've gotten more familiar with h2g2.


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submersible_toaster (Keeper of the Underwater Appliances)

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