The Basics About Malcolm, Colin's Twin

Welcome to my place.smiley - biggrin Feel free to pull up a chair, sit back, and relax.smiley - zzz


About Me

“How does a robot have a twin or have voices in his head?” you ask? Well don't ask me; I can't explain existence, gosh! But do you, , even remember Colin? He is the security robot in the HooToo HQ (Cool, it rhymes!) that Ford hot-wired for happiness. He was always happy doing absolutely anything. I'll give a smiley - strawberry to anyone who can tell me the {libram} and chapter(s) that he is mentioned in! Then maybe I can put in a quote about him here. Anyway, he is pretty much my favourite character in the whole series, besides Marvin, the Paranoid Android of course. (Does anyone know why he is called "Paranoid"? Is it just to rhyme with "Android"?) WHY haven't I gotten Any replies to these questions yet?!

I am much more than an evil twin. I have hobbies, for example. Only some of which are: computer programming, reading sci-fi books like “Remnants,” reading comics, drawing, playing videogames on my Playstation 2, watching Monty Python’s Flying Circus in my {mater}'s new van, watching Late Night with Conan O’Brien, annoying my little brother, showing once again who is stronger to my brother, raising my right eyebrow, breathing, and sleeping occasionally. You see, I really am just a nerdsmiley - geek. I hope to get into shape by acquiring a new bicycle soon and using it a great deal.

I live in Alabama, USA. It is horribly football-oriented place. My birthday is February 1990. I have an annoyingly pessimistic and bad-tempered, yet somehow extremely cheerful, little {frater}. He and I are both robot boyscouts. That last bit should have dispelled any notions that I am a {puellam}. Or had you guessed that already?

I have a few favourite brandnames. Here they are: Target, Starbucks (Thank you for teaming up smiley - smiley), Tacobell and Burger King equally, Dyson, Umbra (an Isralean company), and Brookstone.

I get quite a few magazines that include: Wired (the best one by far), Reptiles, Kids Discover, Nickelodeon, Scientific American, (The rest of these are for my parents) National Geographic, and Times.

My favourite newspaper comics are: Garfield, Get Fuzzy, Non Sequitur, Far Side, Dilbert, and Hagar the Horrible. Besides newspaper comics I have favourite online comedy websites: Foamy the Sqirrel, Homestar Runner, and Explosm (esp. the daily comics).

I have two [imaginary] yatchs. Okay, so these pictures aren't really yatchs, but they're best I can find. They are being kept in the Evil Army's ship yard.

My past pets include: 4 siamese cats, currently 2; 4 leopard geckos, currently 1 or 2 (1 was lost recently in the house); 5 African dwarf frogs, currently none; a few snails, currently none; and currently 1 Beta. Is it one or two fish? The current pets' names are: cats, Mitz AKA Mitzey (female) and Max (male and fat); leopard geckosLizard!, Mellow Yellow (female) and Joe Zombie (male); and beta, Fish Flake (male?).

I think I’ll write more on myself later. Or is this too much?

My Friends

In case you want to know, or more likely I, want to see my freinds' pages, I have listed my friends here so you (or I) don't need to scroll allllll the way down to the bottom of my space.

"Surprisingly small given that you have such a cool page, even if you haven't written any entries, you low down slacker," I say to my self as I do the ACT. Well now! Guess how you(!) can help my ACT score! By putting me on your friends list. Really, I don't care how horrid you are: you could be barely literate and in prison, I don't care!!!!!!!! Done it yet? No????!!! Fine! *grumble*

My Badges

I belong to this murderous group. Here's my badge:

Member of the
Evil Army of H2G2
N N   Approved by the founding four. ü
It's Me!!!!
Don't tell anyone that I'm hiding as the knife. Shhhh!

This is to certify that I am indeed insane. I thought you might want to know that.smiley - winkeye

smiley -
Gender Identification

smiley -


GodBen made this badge for me.

Cheer up? WHY???!!!

UnOfficial h2g2 Mobile Lurker

Oh, 'boohoo' yourself into oblivian, you big baby.I idolize Homer Simpson! You can usually find some Homer-esque language in my postings. The picture here of my brother is thoroughly confusing, but then so is my brother. Here is an interesting entry about the use of the marquee code, which is used to make a picture or text move around on the page.

My RPG Profile Thingy

A reptilian android built for battle with a scyth-like tail
Stats: Body-14 Mind-22 Soul-0
Race: Clockwork Mechanation
Class: Brawler
Abilities: Terrible strength, Socially Wary, Clockwork body, Dirty Fighting, Stalwart, ...
Immunities: Mind-effecting abilities, poision, cold, death
To Be Continued! This is still under construction!
Links: The Guide to RPG stuff
EC's Profile (for use as a guide of sorts)

The End

Th- tha- that's all folks!

-Malcolm smiley - dragonsmiley - ant

P.S.- Please smiley - grovel, if you aren't already, become my friend or, even better, be my worst enemy. smiley - evilgrin


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Muzi No Posting Aug 15, 2013
Transition: No Posting Apr 12, 2013
Graduation No Posting Jan 19, 2013
Ask EvilClaw Feb 28, 2009 Dec 7, 2012
School. No Posting Oct 14, 2012


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Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Researcher U1572633


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