That's me!

Hi there!

Have a seat, how about some smiley - tea? With a slice of smiley - cake? I am now a member of the Dentonites Cult, meaning you can always rely on a cup of good strong black tea here!

And... I am a Lurker!smiley - winkeye

UnOfficial h2g2 Lurker

As you may have already noticed I am also addicted to smiley - tongueoutsmileys.

I love idle chats so please feel free to start up a conversation on any topic you like! I may even join in smiley - smiley !

Apart from tea-lover, I am also a great fan of smiley - book, animals, smiley - dog in particular and travelling. I am happily owned by the most excellent of all English cocker-spaniels.

Well, that's all for the moment. If I think up of something else to add... I'll let you know!


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