Superland of the Mitoweezle


My name is Leri and I hail from the vast purple hills and magnificent rabbit holes of the Superland. Although alien to them, the mitoweezles allowed me to roam with them quite freely, and were, by the time I left, so acclimatised to me that they barely batted an eyelid whenever I inadvertently squenched in their direction.

Despite this overwhelming hospitality on the mitoweezles' part, I found, after centuries of isolation, that I craved contact with my peers. And so I bid farewell to my friendly mitoweezle brethren and cast off from the Superland towards unknown and frightening horizons.

Months later, exhausted, bewildered and more than a little abstract, I stumbled upon a book. It was no ordinary book. It was, in fact, a wholly remarkable book. It told me not to panic, which was very unsound advice, as I was at that very moment trampled to death by a runnaway herd of smartebeasts and had I panicked and run away I would probably have survived. But it mattered not, as I was fortunately reincarnated as myself, and was able to pick up from where I left off.

Anyway, this book (incidentally, it was called 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy', you might have heard of it) led me here, to the vast and incomprehensible world of H2G2, where I now abide as a purely virtual entity, finally able to mingle with my fellow species.

But even to this day I still gaze blankly into the middle distance, thinking fondly of my life in the Superland, and of those lovely mitoweezles who shared with me their home.

You can find out more about me at!


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Leri II [Saver of Snails] [Mistress of Fen, the Ultrahound of Myrf]

Researcher U1717151


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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