Way too much disco and not nearly enough time......

"Hipness is what it is, but sometimes hipness is........what it ain't"
Tower of Power, circa 1971

This is the first edit of my page. I've kept most of the same text so that folks know who I am. I love this place and everyone has been real nice.

cool huh! Thanks Cafram...

Although from Scottish parents, I was born in a little city in Australia called Brisbane (or Bris-Vegas as we like to call it). It is Australia's easternmost capital in the state of Queensland.

Whilst only a small capital in terms of population, we can boast a large number of cricket and rugby internationals, and other assorted famous world personalities such as Greg Norman, Christopher Skase, Peter Foster (the Guy who was engaged to Samantha Fox and got imprisoned for fraud), Wally Lewis, Sir Joh Bejlke Peterson, Pat Rafter (after Mt Isa), Kieren Perkins, Savage Garden, The Bee Gees, Trevor Hendy, Powderfinger, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the first man to orbit the Earth Yuri Gagarin (although I'm not 100% sure about Wally Lewis)

I work by day in the halls of finance, investment, greed, avarice and usury. I figure that I can attack the system from the inside, and make some cash along the way. I can always "do with the exercise" to quote the mice. By night however I create Disco Fever with my bass (not the fish) and train my own revolutionary black army in the deadly hand to hand arts. It's a hectic existence but ultimately rewarding. By weekend I eat, talk, wear black, play bass and worship at my church and spend as much time as possible sucking bottled air under the sea.

Books?... pretty much anything by DNA, Gore Vidal, P.J. O'Rourke, Simon Winchester, Eric Lustbader, Eric van Lustbader, and I've just appropriated a copy of 'Catcher in the rye' to see what all the fuss is about.

Music, Disco and more disco, plus Soul Funk, Disco, Freestylers, Jamiroquai, Roni Size, Moby, Level 42, disco, Chilli Peppers, Cake, etc, you get the picture. And first time around I forgot to add my man Sting.

Favourite things, Python, DNA, Food, Movies, Rugby, Kung Fu, the Groove, the ocean, and most importantly my mate Nat who I firmly believe was created as a result of God showing off.

I look forward to bumping into some of you periodically, listening to your brains, and having you maybe listen to mine..........

F-REEK out


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