

A pink and gold dragon on an inkpot Hi! I'm Fyrelizard! I am a small gold dragon, capable both of flight and breathing fire. I'm also a primary school teacher who is trying very hard to avoid sensible shoes and elasticated skirts. Despite the fact that I get to play in the sand and water tray, the little darlings smiley - monster are hard work and I fancied some light relief and the opportunity to talk nonsense. A mermaid wearing an orange turban and playing the flute underwater I've just finished my first year in school and myself and my class have all survived (it was touch and go at times!). When not creating work sheets or working out who hit who first, I like a large glass of red wine, cheese in its many forms, and a good book. And my boyfriend, on the occasions when we manage to be in the same country. smiley - rocketI've been abroad more than George W. Bush and my aim is to keep it that way, so I'm trying to see the world during school holidays. I'm interested in arty stuff, dragon stuff, fish, smiley - schooloffish and any creative ways to stop my class destroying the classroom (and each other)! I'm settling in happily at The Aroma Cafe(lots and lots of lovely people there... pop in for a mocha and say hi to me!). Just click on the link! I have been made muse of pyrotechnics, lighters and flamethrowers! So if you nee inspiration in the area of highly flammable substances, or pretty much anything else, call in at Musehome? A source of ideas for every occasion... And for THE TRUTH try WD42 Boutique, where the Answer is available in a variety of perfumes and colours to suit all tastes. smiley - rose


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fyrelizard (muse of roses and raspberry mocha, keeper of pyrotechnics etc)

Researcher U182872


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