
Jools is currently a student at Bristol University on the second year of a four-year Master's degree in Computer Systems Engineering.

Jools has done a variety of things including building PCs, bar work and being the Finance Director for the Bristol University Rocket Team. He regards this last title as being sufficiently impressive to give up his ambition of being Supreme Grand High Ruler of Everything. He was introduced to being a stage technician in early 2001 (Follow-spot Operator - Bugsy Malone) and is now tragically addicted to backstage work, something he's enjoyed so much that it has entered his mind as a possible future career (now he's given up on being S.G.H.R.of E). However, having spent six hours one day driving around almost aimlessly and moving heavy equipment about in the snow, he has now learnt to be wary of the phrase "Jools, can I possibly borrow you for an hour or two?".

Apart from working on an animated film called The Castle, Jools is currently doing a small amount of work on a high-power rocket for the Bristol University Rocket Team, expanding his knowledge of famous 20th century literature (notably Catch-22 and re-reading 1984), and learning to cook decently, or at least reasonably, and not to cook far more than he can ever eat. Regarding the last point, he still has about half a pound of liquid fudge in his fridge if anybody wants any.

In the future, apart from raising the profile of Flyball as a competitive sport that deserves to be included in the Olympics (if partly because the British might be able to win a medal in it), Jools has developed few firm plans. Having worked in several areas that have attracted his intention and interest, notably stage tech. work and rocket engineering, he is keeping his options open and could easily be tempted into any other project that interested him (apart from weapons development), especially if he's offered a Lotus as a company car.

He blames his housemates for all of the above, but acknowledges that the distilleries of Glenfiddich may have played a minor role. He mainly wants to make sure the guide has entries on subjects he sees as important in life, such as gaffer tape, flyball and obscure single malts, but is willing to contribute his irreverent sense of humour to any subject whether he knows something about it or not.


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