Hi, Everybody :)


I'm smiley - ex-Rambling's 14-year-old daughter. My Dad is smiley - vampire.

I really like dinosaurs! Tyrannosaurus Rex Rules!!!

I like pokemon, and Mega Man X,(Just like my brother), and Dragonball Z is cool with me.(parden the rhyme it was poorly timed)


I had a pet parakeet, Tenchi, he's passed on, and I have a dog named Tilla smiley - . we've moved from my last neigborhood, and my bro has a dog, and I have a little black cat named blaze! he's real cute, maybe I could get a picture one of these days and show you!!

This is my pet prawn, Penelope!

Giant Prawns

In Real Life

I have rollerblades, and I'm getting pretty good at it. Ist and I have many of the same friends. My best friend is Austin, a boy I know who has skates. I race with Christopher and ride bikes with Austin. I also play Pokemon cards with my aunt.

my friends are Dragonflysmiley - and Red Dogsmiley -

You can visit the musehome heresmiley - .

Visit the Dog House heresmiley -

I have a coyote pup

A wolf

His name is smiley - , because he has a star on his forhead.Star and I are the mascots of the A.C.F.!! smiley - Thanks, Red Dog!

I'm a muse now!

I am the muse of rollerbladers!!!smiley -

smiley - smiley -

Come visit me...

...At my room in the Haunted Castle. Click here

smiley - smiley -

More friends!

  1. A cool Lady, Cat.smiley -
  2. Dancer smiley -
  3. Sir Evil Roy smiley -
  4. Happy Dudesmiley -
  5. A very nice lady, Lady Scott smiley -
  6. Avenging Washclothsmiley - , who gave me an elephant!!smiley -
  7. Lurchersmiley -


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Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

Researcher U188306


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