bloober boo!

"How do I tell them I've rusted?"

A robot posing as Rodin's 'Thinker' Hello, my name is Frankiemouse and I am really excited to be a part of the guide, although at the moment I have absolutely no idea of what I am doing. I'm still excited though! Yep, really excited. Wow. Great. So...yep. That's all.

Back again, I've now had time to wander about The Guide and take in it's wonders and majesty, and I can honestly say that I still have absolutely no idea of what I am doing. However I must point out that this is a normal state for me and nothing to hit the "Panic" button about. I'm now a member of The Royal Procrastinator's society and I promise I'll place a link here soon...perhaps tomorrow...maybe next week!

Bio: F 29 Mar. 1 ch. no pets. student(again) fan. Agatha Christie fan. Tasmanian (Aussie). Likes: Norway, cats, tea. Dislikes: stupid bios and rough tissues.

For information on the Reindeer who ran away, I suggest going to and finding out all about it - I will say no more!

Except to say I also have a website devoted to all the stationery fetishists out there just like me, as I can't be bothered looking up how to do an outside link I'll just give you the address - hey type it in like they did in the good ol' days...don't be so lazy!

Hey the campaign to keep the Fjords Norwegian - Check it out. Norwegian Fjords forever!LutefiskThis way

(drum roll) ...and here's how my number makes 42: 189734= 18/9 + (7+3)x4 = 42 Applause for ArgonO What a champion


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Frankiemouse - currently deciding on a new nickname tag

Researcher U189734

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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