The Keeper of Pointless and/or funny discussions or statements

Terve ja Tevertuloa

How nice of you to drop in , please make yourself at home.

Hello and welcome, in Finnish (well actually I don't know if it realy is, but literally translated this is the meaning). Have some smiley - or smiley - , Fins drink huge amounts of the stuff, apparently more per person than any other people in the world. Personaly I prefer smiley - , but I will join you for coffe if you feel like it. Of course smiley - and smiley - are on the house.

Feel free to worship at my small inhouse shrine to NightHoover, the one true profect. May his 4th coming come soon, it's getting a bit dusty here. The altar, made of grey stone, is in the centre, surounded by some spare parts and lots of candels. There are two low, wooden benches in front of it, covered in dust.

Shrine of the Hoover of the Night Welcome, may the one true hoover of the night watch over you
smiley - zensmiley - zenLetuce Sprysmiley - zensmiley - zen
smiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovel
NightHooverites Untie

Any donations are welcome, especialy if they help make the place look better. Please leave them at the bottom of the page. I will add them if I like them and when I get round to it. If you have no idea what I am going on about either run away very fast or visit the cancel tread. Please note that I am in no way responsible for your mental state afterwards. Or, alternatively, look up a short definition here

At the moment I'm stuck in Oulu, which is about halfway up Finland, at the top end of the Gulf of Bothnia.
If you wonder what I'm doing there, well so am I. Actualy I am studying physics at the university of Oulu as an exchange student with Erasmus. But that doesn't mean that I know why I came here of all the places I could have gone to as an exchange student.
I'm also trying very hard to learn Finnish, but it is quite a difficult language(it always sounds as if they just make it up as they go along) so if you feel like helping me a bit: "thank you"
My real university is the University of Utrecht in, surprise surprise, Utrecht which is in the centre of the Netherlands.

Finally found my 42-ism: -1* sqrt(9)+ 0*1+ 9*5 = 42
So I realy am a true researcher.

Maybe some normal info as well. I am (and have been for quite a long time) the 'Keeper of pointless and or funny discussions or statements' so if that's what your looking for feel free to leave me a message. Go here to find out more about keepers.
Though I can't actually prommise a coherent reply. I am sometimes a bit hard to follow and even I sometimes have trouble understanding me. So if you think I make no sense at all you probably are right. But then again, maybe that was the whole point all along.
Appart from that I'm also a dutchy (hence the studying in Utrecht) and at the moment 22 and probably will be so until I update my page next time... I realy try to keep it up to date, honestly
I have also backpacked trough Australia for a year, so if you have any questions about traveling or about this wonderfull little island I can give some clues about a few things.
Anyway, enough ranting for now



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Rod, Keeper of Pointless and/or funny discussions or statements

Researcher U190195


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