Footfoot's page underwater sheep This is my page, which just went through some pre-spring cleaning. I'm rather shy, so let's start things off easy.

Me: 24, female, double bass and viola da gamba player "across the pond" in Greensboro, NC (heart of Krispy Kreme country). Vegetarian.

Likes: lots of stuff. Beer, Twister (game), fruits and veggies, recycling, art films, and PUDDING

Hobbies: Knit and crochet-- to date I have turned out hats, scarves, and a pair of baby booties. Next frontier: mittens! As you can see from my page, I also enjoy typing in colored fonts.

Dislikes: Cucumbers, whistling, pantyhose, cockroaches. Recently I'm not very fond of celery either.

Currently trying to learn: Dragon fighting smiley - , jazz bass

I often raid my roommates' bookshelves looking for new reads. One of my roomies has a lot of CS Lewis so I've been going through his works and enjoying them very much. So far I've read the Narnia chronicles and "Till We Have Faces" and am now reading "The Screwtapes Letters".


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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