Thank you for making it to my site

tracking through routes so recondite

I would rejoice your any posting

even if it needs some moisting.

I am from Russia ,and find my recourse not only in wordly e-state ,but in worldly as well. With a view thereof,I sustain my tiny plot in watered and running order.And for a winter dash in for a country skiing.

Preferences: a little bit of anything that is inspiring and comes through the door. Likes :Nature,travelling, abstraction ,abstract nouns e.g. "bonny lassies" etc. Dislikes:boredom.

All my likes and dislikes are but shadows on h2g2-related sites. Pleased to have you on my E-mail Take care, or you'd derail.

(Had i known how to make links, i would have given one.)

Having keen interests in the history and archeology of economic thought and economic measurements.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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