My back hurts...

...and many other useless gripes, all in this user space! Aren't you lucky!

About Me

Me, me, me. Who is me? I'm currently in the process of trying to figure this out, and here's what I've found: My name is Eva, I'm 16, and I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA under a mayor who decided not to run for re-election and opted to use his campaign fund to pay the settlement in a sexual assault lawsuit, a governor who's running for re-election with an advertisement in which he says of his job (which includes clearing up the state's budget mess left behind by Tommy Thompson, who suddenly left for Washington to be Bush's secretary of Health and Human Services), 'It's not fun shoveling out the barn, but somebody's gotta do it!', and a 'President' who reminds me strongly of a monkey. (More political drivel at my old userspace, here.) I play piano, have a high red belt in taekwondo, love debate (both organized and spontaneous), and have a lot of homework. And my back really does hurt.

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(You'll note that I lack creative heading skills.)

Musicians' Guild Member

I'm a member of the Musicians' Guild, and I'm the Keeper of Undying Faith in Toasters. There might be some more but I'm not quite sure.

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FIN (for now, at least)


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An Ambling Rambler

Researcher U199221

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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