Prarie dweller in Wisconsin

I love to share local history stories and information so anyone can contact me for that. NO solicitations please. smiley - blue[email protected] I live in Oshkosh Wisconsin which is situated in East Central Wisconsin USA. Oshkosh will be celebrating it's sequicentenial this next year. Not much by British history but it gets us all excited. I am a librarian's assistant at Winnebago Mental Health Institute (10 years). This is a state facility with 250-300 resident patients and 600+ staff. I have worked similar possitions at a public library and at a University library and I like this best. I decorate Ukrainian Eggs for a hobby. I am married (third time) and have children from the first marriage. I am a Grandma too. If I spell something wrong that is parr for the course, sorry if it is irritating. My husband is a mathematics major who does leads generation for a small insurance company. He is visually impaired. It goes without saying that we are fans of the Hitchhiker series, have it in several formats. We also like Star Trek all series and movies but we never dress in costumes. I do, however have a Bajoran earring somewhere. We live for Saturday evening when local PBS runs British comedy. Favorite now is Monarch of the Glen. Someday we may visit the UK. It's a dream.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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