todo sobre... ME !

smiley - divaAt night, a wicked, multi-colored, glitter addict, high-heeled Drag-Queen in the streets of Taipei, with a sense of fashion rooted in the late 60's, the 70's and the 80's. And on the Net too :

smiley - geekAt working hours, a serious professional who takes care of your accounts all around Asia in a large multinational company.

Born French, I travelled a bit, and in my heart I feel of no particular country.

Looking everywhere, trying to find myself. So far, found lots of pieces, interesting bits and others I'd rather not know about... But it should all fall in place sometime or other !

"Connie L." is a frequent visitor and (hopefully useful) contributor on h2g2, where I am also known as the

Keeper of Things placed on top of Other Things

I believe in love, magic, friendship, and in a general Order (call it/him/her/them what you like) in what appears to be the worse mess in the Universe : poor little Blue Planet...

A few crafty places and people on H2G2...
A place, a witch, another one, and maybe more to come later...

And by the way : 2+(0x1x5)+(5x8)=42

May the Internet Angels keep us from the mischievieous Titivillus, the Typo Demon...

Below a few links for my own use, if you don't mind...


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Connie L

Researcher U201558

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