
Welcome to my space.
I'm a not so newie, recruited by my friends at Leisure District
I live in Lancashire but have no interest in either ferrets or whippets. One son, one husband, 2 fishhsiffish(Max & Paddy )and a pot plant called Jeremy (?!?).:)
Like marmite on toast,red wineredwine,Phoenix Nights,rollercoasters , Antoine De Caunes and Andrew Lincoln. Dislike The Fimbles(work of the Devil) and spaghetti carbonara.Hobbies include playing "Rat Up A Drainpipe",being flung upsidedown at high speed and eating creme eggs with my little finger.My first crush was Michael Palin and the first record I ever purchased was Captain Beaky And His Band....and I'm sure that a criminal psychologist could come up with an interesting profile on me from this information.
Non Illigitamus Carborundum.


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