Give me space!!!(oh wait, you already did..............)

Heya people, welcome to my space! I decided to change it cos it was too long before, I dunno how anyone could be bothered to read it. Actually, they probably couldn't. I don't know how I could be bothered to write that much, I can't be bothered to do much. I still don't know how to do all the fancy technical stuff (or anything fancy at all, not even underlining, lol) cos I'm not great with computers. So here goes.....


musicalnoteI'm an obsessive music nut, I'm always listening to something. I love punk rock most, but also a bit of metal. My favorite bands are The Sex Pistols, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, The Damned, NOFX, Placebo, Operation Ivy, Murderdolls, Anti-Flag, Blink 182, Motley Crue, Alkaline Trio, Marilyn Manson, The Distillers, Motorhead, Thrice, Rise Against, Atreyu, Social Distortion, Hole, Nirvana, The Exploited, Avenged Sevenfold and loads of others that I can't remember at this second. I'll probably remember later though.........
I went to see Green Day when they played in town an it was amazing, I was right near the front and the place was just one big moshpit. Class! I'm just gutted I didn't get the chance to crowd surf! I'm goin to see Motorhead in the same place in November, that should be good too.musicalnote

So yeah, I like music, hate school (who doesn't?), don't like sport of any kind (I'm a teenager, I'm supposed to be lazy!!!) and I don't like telephones so i spend too much time texting and online. But what's new? Don't watch much on TV cos it all bores me and I just don't get reality TV. huh

Oooh, and I (try to) play electric guitar (VERY badly)laugh

And that's about it...........................Bye. Oh, and leave me a message, I'll talk about any random thing if u can't think of anything interesting to say. rainbow


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