
My nom de plume relates to my ex-profession as an English teacher rather than to other possible connotations :)

I like books, music, films, some theatre and my dog - who can be a pain sometimes - as well as travelling whenever I can.

I live overlooking a river in the North East of England. I'd always wanted to live near water and I like to be high up, hating to feel enclosed. However, I'm not sure I'll stay here...I tend to get itchy feet from time to time. Perhaps next time it'll be the sea.

I've been surfing the Net for about seven years and have met some very nice people during that time, both online and irl.

I built a WebSite about four years ago but although I have the rights to the Domain Name, I've never got around to publishing it...I think it must be a bit like your first's hard to face rejection if others feel it's worthless.
In truth, I'm still learning about computing and the endless possibilities including digital photography which has opened my eyes - literally!

I must try to make this a more interesting page but I find it very difficult to talk about myself without sounding like an imbecile :)


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