I am an Inverted Solipsist.

I'm not real!

I'm not real!

I'm not real!

I'm not real!

See U239415 for an explanation of my inactivity.

A Solipsist is a person who believes that they alone exist and that the rest of the universe is an illusion.

I am an Inverted Solipsist. That means that I believe that the universe exists, but that I do not. I am merely an illusion, a figment of the collective imaginations of all the concious entities in the universe. Any affect that I seem to have on a non-concious entity does not really exist, but is a figment of the collective imaginations of all the concious entities in the universe. Anything I do, or anything that happens to me, is an effect of what the average of what all the concious entities in the universe imagine I do or imagine happens to me.

Feel free to discuss this with me if you want. I won't be offended, even if you think I'm crazy. Many people seem to think so. For that matter, if you want to talk to me, I also enjoy discussing philosophy, science, religions, science fiction, space exploration, and other things, at least at times.

And no, I can't spell. And no, I don't care.

Version 1.1
RA E- C* Y-- PR m-- N+ p-- t* SA+ a-* A++ B P: TV? L++ r M-- D- s-- T? V- nh--
-----END H2G2 CODE (BLOCK-----


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Inverted Solipsist

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