The Auchnawhaggisagin Arms

Preparations for walking through ScotlandThe Auchnawhaggisagin Arms is a nice little pub with a roaring fire and some bloke playing an instrument in the corner for gentle entertainment. Situated in the village of Auchnawhaggisagin by the scenic Loch Stochedbunaemunster, it serves as a gathering for the locals as the Village Hall serves no ale.BeersThe beer is cheap the food is merry and I am owner, proprietor and general overseer of all things Auchnawhaggisagin , will be found by the fire reading a book or maybe chatting to one of the imaginary patrons that pop in from time to time. The Gents is on the left of the bar and the Ladies is on the right, but watch out for the middle cubicle, girls, the loo over flows. There are rooms for an overnight stay or two, if you don't mind the ghost. Think of The Drovers near Loch Lomond and you will have a pretty good idea of this establishment. Yes, the barman is Australian, but the waitress is Swedish. The cleaner, Nats would appreciate mucky boots to be taken off before you go up the stairs as it makes a heck of a mess of the carpet. She will also plan any special menus you require as she is Head Bar running person. Every pub need ones while the boss is away..

P.S. Feel free to become a Patron of The Auchnawhaggisagin Arms, and get a smiley - ale on the house.*#
P.P.S Looking for a job? Check out the The Auchnawhaggisagin Post Office.**

*Please note this offer only open to first time patrons.
**Interviews for jobs applied via the Post Office may be held in other locations within Auchnawhaggisagin.
#come to think of it, if you do wish to become a Patron, drop us a line with what your party piece is, wether it be song, dance, tea spoons, juggling, opening a bottle with yer teeth and I'll bung them up on an Entertainment board.

Looking for somewhere else?
Try , A516647
Or,A1023409for a jog through time, go back to school with A1014229
Unless A814097 floats your boat. Most likely sinking it in the process. Become a keeper at,A441596, if thats not enough, World domination might be, enlist in servitude at ,A986196, he likes to be refered to as "Big Guy" has a massive Evil Ego, but World Dominators have to start somewhere...How about little poetry? Nats journal space
Traveller Kreetch Kreetchiussmiley - spork - Master of Belly Button Fluff and Twisting to the Eventual Aim of Having Enough to Knit a Small Jumper, Doodler of Time Lines, Keeper of Lost Lighters. (Gryffindor)


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