Hello. I am an Agnostic Primist

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These are Prime.

I am an Agnostic Primist. I should probably explain what that means.

Primism is a philosophy more than a religion. It is based around the idea that all concious beings have a right to the maximum freedom of decision and action. Primists feel that a person ought to persue two goals. These are to maximize their freedom and to ensure that all others will have as much freedom as they have.

In order to maximize their freedom of decision and action, Primists feel that they must first try to gain free will. All concious beings are partly or totally controlled by biological and social forces, which Primists call the Conspiracy. They include biological urges to do things, needs such as food and water, emotional reactions, and social pressure to conform or to fit certain predetermined roles. Primists try to resist the Conspiracy's control over them by resisting social and biological elements of the Conspiracy as much as possible. In doing so, they hope to enable thmeselves to make decisions for themselves rationally and without the interference of the Conspiracy.

(I will be posting more Primist literature in my Journal here. Please read it and comment.)


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Agnostic Primist (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71)

Researcher U237011


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