When I was born, I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half.

hug Hello everyone and welcome to my space! :-D cheers

I am one of those brilliantly incompetent people when it comes to computers, hence you will not be seeing any exciting flying smileys on this page. ;-)

I write in a very circular manner, so beware...

I can try to make myself be interested in most things, whether this means I have a very unindividual person, I haven't yet figured out... huh...

However, my most very main interests include music, theatre (and films), books and sleeping.

musicalnote In music, I haven't yet met a "genre" I couldn't find something I liked in, however, if you look in my CD folders, you'll find mostly rock/alternative, I don't really know why. Actually, I'm not sure that's true...
I've been brought up listening to "oldies" solidly on the radio, thanks to my parents, so I love that too, and know of a worryingly large amount of it, considering my age... (highschool). I really do like most types. Classical, Jazz, rap, rock, punk, alternative, the occasional bit of pop, hip hop, dance, techno, and whatever else... at least I like BIT of each - classical covers a dauntingly large amount.

diva disco Theatre and Movies. I love acting, I would love to do it for a living, as it's so much fun, and I definitely want to end up doing something fun, however, as very many, much more able people love it too, the competition is high, unfortunately. I'm the movie-general-knowledge person in my family, which isn't really saying much. I spend a good deal too much time watching them, and hence my knowledge of them is climbing. I've recently had to admit to loving Shakespeare, I guess I'm a closet Shakespeare fan rose. Other than him I love Bernard Shaw and Henrik Ibsen, but I know very little of either of them. To say I love theatre may be a bit presumptuous considering how little I know of it, but I love seeing it and being in it.

book Books, I've loved since forever and know I am not alone. If you ask me what my favourite books are, I may have to shoot you. I love very very many. Ones that come to mind RIGHT NOW are the Chocolate War, I Never Promised You A Rose Garden, Harry Potter, The Grapes of Wrath, Anna Karenina, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Golden Compass (or Northern Lights depending on the hemisphere) I'm not sure whether that's a good representation of my taste, but there they are, as ones I love.

sleepy Sleeping is something I really can't do enough of at the moment. I guess it's the hormones (watch out! monster). I just get into bed at night and am so joyous at the fact that I've finally made it there. Not to say I'm depressed. ;-)

The author of Lord of the Flies, William Golding, said that his hobby was thinking. I thought that was really cool. I'd love to spend more time thinking. To just reserve time and just sit and think. Instead I tend to succumb to TV at the end of the day...

yikes bleep I've talked faaaaar to much about me! What about you? What do YOU think about me? ;-) Only kidding. But please, post me a message! Tell me about yourself! :-D


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